Showing posts with the label Basic Electrical

Single Phase Motor : No Load & Block Rotor Test

Single Phase Motor : No Load & Block Rotor Test No-load Test Without connecting any load on the motor shaft, full volt age is applied across the winding terminals. Since output of the motor at no…
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Loading Effect of Voltmeter

Loading Effect of Voltmeter The uses of a voltmeter  is to indicate the potential difference (Voltage) between two points in a circuit. When a voltmeter is connected across a circuit, it circuit is S…
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Surface Gauge : definition and uses

Definition Surface Gauge Surface Gauge is a Adjustable Stand For Marking off casting and Tasting the Accuracy of plane surface with used of Surface Plate . This contains a square shaped base with a v…
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Working Principle of Electric Generator

Working Principle of Electric Generator When a conductor moves during a Magnetic field, associate electrical phenomenon is elicited across the conductor. this can be the sole basis on that every and…
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DC Motor working principle & Back Emf

About DC Motor The Machine which converts the electrical energy inti the Mechanical energy is called motor . if works on the principle that when a current carrying conductor in placed in a magnetic …
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NEWTONS' LAW OF MOTION  FORCE   a pull or push which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion or direction of motion of any object is called force.  it is a vector quanti…
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