- a pull or push which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion or direction of motion of any object is called force.
- it is a vector quantity.
- May change only direction of motion
- May change only speed
- may change size and shape of body
- may change both speed and direction of motion
Unit of force
- Newton and (kg.m)/s^2 (in MKS system)
- Dyne and (^2 (in C.G.S system)
- 1 newton = 10^5 dyne
- Dimensional formula of force = [MLT^-2]
- Force exerted by one particle on the other becouse of the electric charge on the particles is called Electromeganatic force
Characterestics of electromegnatics force
- these can be attractive or repulsive
- these are long range force
- depends on nature of medium
- all macroscopic force ( except gravation ) which we experiences as puss or pull or by all contact are electromagenatic
- it is the strongest force , it keeps nucleons neutrons and protons together inside the nucleus inspite of large electric repulsion between protons . Radioactivity , fission , and fusion , etc . result becouse of unbalancing of nuclear force . it acts within the nucler that too upon a very small distance .
Classification of force on the basis of contact
- Field Force - Forces which acts on an object at a distance by the interaction of the object with the field produced by other object is called field force
- examples - Gravitiation force , Electromagnetic force
- Contact force - which forces are transmitted between bodies by short range molecular interaction are called contact forces . when two object comes in contact they exert contact forces on each others.
- Tension in a string is a electromagnatic force . it arrises when a strings is pulled . if a massless string is not pulled . tension in it is zero . A string suspanded by rigid support is pulled by a force 'F' .
- T = F
Frictional force - it is component of contact force tangential to the surcface . it opposes the relative motion of the two surface in contact.
- First law of motion :- Every body preserves inits state of rest , or of uniforms motion in a right line , unless it is compalled to change that state by forces impressed thereon .
- Every body continues to be in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line unless compelled by somone external force to act otherwise .
- Newton's first law is really a statement about refrence filames in that it defines the type of refrence frames in which the laws of newtonian hold .
example of First law of motion
- A bullet fired on a glass windows makes a clean hole through it while a stone breaks the whole of it .
- A passenger sitting in a bus gets a jerk when the bus starts or stop suddenly
Second law of motion :- The rate of change of momentum of a body is proportional to the appiled force and takes place in the direction in which the force acts
- F = m.a
where , F = force
m = mass
a = accleration
Applications of newtons laws
a) When objects are in equilibrium
To solve problems involving objects in Equilibrium
step 1 : - makes a sketch of the problem
step 2 : - isolate a single object and then draw the free - body diagram . label all external forces acting on it.
step 3 : - choose a convenient coordinate system and resolve all forces into X and Y components .
step 4 : - Apply the equation {Fx = 0 and { Fy = 0
step 5 : - find unknown several quantities
Third Law of Motion :- To every action , there is always an equal and opposite reaction .
Important point about the Third Law
- the terms 'action' and 'reaction' in the third law means nothing else but 'force' . a simple and clear way of starting the third law is as followed force always in pairs .
- the terms 'action' and 'reaction' in the third law may gives a wrong impression that action comes before reaction i.e action is the caused and reaction the effect. there is no such cause - effect relation implied in the third law .
- Two or more than two objects which intract with each others from a sysrem .
Classifaction of forces the basis of boundary of system:
- Internal force - forces acting each with in a system among its constituents.
- External force - forces exerted on the constituents of a system by the outside surrounding are called as external forces.
- Real force - Force which acts on object due to other object is called as real force . An isilared object does not experience any real force.
- A free body diagram consists of a diagrammatic representation of a single body or a subsystem of bodies isolated from its surroundings showing all the forces acting on it.
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