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Single Phase Motor : No Load & Block Rotor Test No-load Test Without connecting any load on the motor shaft, full volt age is applied across the winding terminals. Since output of the motor at no…
Loading Effect of Voltmeter The uses of a voltmeter is to indicate the potential difference (Voltage) between two points in a circuit. When a voltmeter is connected across a circuit, it circuit is S…
Definition Surface Gauge Surface Gauge is a Adjustable Stand For Marking off casting and Tasting the Accuracy of plane surface with used of Surface Plate . This contains a square shaped base with a v…
Working Principle of Electric Generator When a conductor moves during a Magnetic field, associate electrical phenomenon is elicited across the conductor. this can be the sole basis on that every and…
About DC Motor The Machine which converts the electrical energy inti the Mechanical energy is called motor . if works on the principle that when a current carrying conductor in placed in a magnetic …
NEWTONS' LAW OF MOTION FORCE a pull or push which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of uniform motion or direction of motion of any object is called force. it is a vector quanti…